This training is for healers, therapists, and practitioners interested in holistic and integrative approaches for working with clients and enhancing self healing. This course is very practical and packed with experiential learning and hands on healing practice guided by Dr Geo Cesare.
This course is IN PERSON and teaches health professionals and therapists how to locate, assess and treat vital points on the body known in the Ayurvedic healing tradition as Marma Points. Marma Therapy 2 focusing on hands on, in person energy medicine tools and techniques that were presented in the online Marma Therapy 1 course. Participants will learn the anatomical location, physical assessment, and clinical treatment approaches to the major marma points, with an emphasis on manual therapy techniques. Marma therapy is referenced in classic Ayurvedic texts and closely relates to modern myofasical and acupressure techniques. Marma points are anatomically related to bone, muscle, fascia, vessels, and nerves. Manual therapy to the connective tissue matrix related to specific marma points can have major implications for therapists, healers, bodyworkers and energy practitioners for improving outcomes. These vital connective tissue points have many practical functions that affect the physical body, including therapeutic applications practitioners can use to relieve pain, impel blood flow, stimulate immunity, soft tissue extensibility, enhance parasympathetic response , and deepen muscle relaxation. Once the proper marma points are learned they can be applied in most clinical and healing settings using a variety of tools such as manual therapy, acupressure, tuning forks, essential oils, color therapy, light therapy, and other physical and energy medicine modalities.
Course Objectives Participants will:
Learn to identify the exact location, classification, function and treatment of the major marma points of the body, with a special emphasis on 18 foundational points Learn and demonstrate how to safely and effectively apply knowledge and principles of Marma Manual Therapy to bring harmony and balance to oneself and others. Learn how to perceive and work with prana utilizing touch, essentail oils, tuning forks, and other methods for assisting harmony and wellbeing through marma application Learn how to perform essential marma exercises & visualization meditations for healing and self care. Learn how to teach others one on one or in class settings how to use marma. Learn and demonstrate how to integrate Marma Manual Therapy into a treatment/bodywork session and/or yoga class.